• Voices of Peace - The ensemble focuses on praise and worship songs, contemporary and traditional gospel, hymn arrangements and seasonal songs and anthems. This varied genre of music covers the diverse population of our congregation. This choir is also a culmination of all Mt. Peace musical ensembles and is the principle choir for extended ministry!*Rehearsals: Thursdays 7:30p *Worship Service: 1st and 4th Sunday 10a and 12p
• Adult Praise & Worship (P&W) Team - The ensembles primary focus is to encourage purpose driven, spirit filled community worship. Musical selection is based on what drives the emotional and spiritual pulse of the people. Biblical education will be given in the areas of exhortation and praise and worship.*Rehearsals: TBA *Worship Service: 5th Sunday 8a, “Hour of Power”, and Extended Ministries
• Male Chorus - The ensemble sings music that is steeped in the tradition of quartet and traditional gospel music along with a new emphasis on contemporary music. Embellished hymns and hymn arrangements are part of the core repertoire.*Rehearsals: 1st and 2nd Tuesdays 7:30p *Worship Service: 2nd Sunday 8a or 10a and 12p
• Youth/Children's Choir - The ensemble focuses on the development of the young voice. Particular emphasis is placed on developing tonality, timbre, breath support, rhythm, choral decorum, and music and a religious ministry. This ensemble is the core building block for all the other musical ensembles.*Rehearsals: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Monday 6:30p *Worship Service: 3rd Sunday 8a and 10a or 10a and 12p
• Men's Day/Women's Day/ Seasonal Ensembles - These groups are put together in order to meet the needs of seasonal services and programs of the church. Members are also encouraged to sing year round in these ensembles. *To Be Announced
Vision of the Music Ministry of Mount Peace
Our Vision is to uplift the church and congregation through a diverse selection of music that appeals to all generations. Every ensemble of the church strives toward musical excellence and focuses on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through song.
Min. Tony Williams / Music Ministry Director / (919) 807-1194 ext. 230
Bro. Tony Williams / Minister of Music / (919) 807-1194 ext. 230
Contact the Music Ministry
Music Ministry
J. Vincent Terry, D.D., Pastor
Tony Williams, Minister of Music
Mt Peace Music Ensembles
The Mount Peace Baptist Church choirs are to LEAD the congregation in song during devotion and worship services. It is our mission to lead lost souls to Christ, to be good stewards in and out of the choir loft and to further carry out the vision of the church.
Choir disciples should be disciples of the church (the Youth Choir is the ONLY exception), having a desire to sing, be committed and dedicated to being ambassadors for Christ through song. All choirs of the ministry sing on a designated Sunday for the 8:00a, 10:00a, and the 11:59am morning worship services and as directed by the Pastor for evening and Extended Ministry Services.